Adapting Rocket Lawyer's legal solutions to meet the unique needs of our partners, starting with Covéa.
Leading the initiative to develop co-branded partner sites.
Everyone deserves affordable and simple legal services.
Expanding Rocket Lawyer's reach in Europe and establishing a new revenue channel.
Developed a solution integrating Rocket Lawyer's services with partners. Focused on authentication, co-branding, customized pricing, and partner-exclusive content.
OpenID Connect integration.
For partner-specific integrations.
Customizable settings and frontend brandability.
Enhanced events structure for partner-specific reporting.
Customizable for each partner.
Tailored legal solutions and resources.
Challenge: Developing a scalable partner authentication system.
Solution: OpenID Connect and custom connector for scalability.
Challenge: Creating a system for flexible multi-brand controls.
Solution: Developed Partner Config API for customizable settings and brandability.
Challenge: Tracking partner usage and supporting usage-based billing.
Solution: Enhanced in-house user events framework for detailed reporting.
Delivering a slim but impactful Minimum Lovable Product (MLP), prioritizing features that provided the most value to partners.
Designed solutions with future scalability in mind, ensuring they could be adapted for additional partners and markets.
Ensuring the project met crucial deadlines, including the first partner demo in June, leading to a successful contract signing.
Taking on tasks like documentation, meetings, and diagram creation from engineers, allowing them to focus.
Pulled advanced reporting (did not scale for additional partners).
Collaboration with engineering, design, marketing, and legal content teams.
Balancing rapid delivery with quality and scalability.
Securing additional resources for ecommerce, reporting, and front-end development.
Hired in late April, with first partner demo in June leading to contract signing.
Working across San Francisco, UK (+8 hours), and France (+9 hours).
Navigating Covéa's August vacation period.
Necessary to improve site performance.
My early days and late nights led to the project's success. A close, trusting relationship with my tech lead ensured we stayed on the same page.
Advocating for additional resources and protecting my team from extra work were crucial for staying focused and on schedule.
Focusing on scalability, not just for a single customer, but for future partner integrations.
"We are delighted to partner with Rocket Lawyer to provide new legal solutions to our 11.5 million clients."
"We gave Kevin an extremely complex and strategic partner project to tackle and he really knocked it out of the park. He quickly onboarded to the product development challenge, understood the breadth of the deliverables, and started to methodically chip away at them. His team was hyper-focused and motivated, thanks mostly to Kevin and his constant energy and attitude."